Stirling NJ Newborn Photography

Stirling NJ Newborn Photography

These parents contacted me about Stirling NJ newborn photography when they was expecting their daughter Chloe. Since they live quite near me (only about twenty minutes from my photography studio) it was easy for them to make the trip.

Chloe’s Newborn Photography Session

We chose very feminine colors for Chloe’s newborn photography session. Rose pink and white were our main colors, and we threw in a touch of teal and lavender in some of our baby pictures too. Mom wanted a variety of vintage textures, so I incorporated flowers, pearls and lace to get exactly the look she wanted.

I attempted a few shots of Chloe naked on the beanbag because those are always super cute, but she was more comfortable being swaddled. She loved being wrapped. In newborn photography, it’s best to go along with what baby wants! We wrapped her up and worked with what she liked best.

Digital Tools for Newborn Photography

Big brother Chase (two years old) was not eager to cooperate for this Stirling NJ newborn photography session. I ended up having to do some head swapping in Photoshop. That’s not uncommon with toddlers. Posing is sometimes a tall order for them! Although I always try to get the shots we want, digital tricks like this give me some wiggle room. If a toddler just isn’t feeling it, I can always edit the image later. All I need is a couple decent shots of their cute little face to work with!

Newborn Photographer Near Stirling NJ

If you’re interested in getting professional pictures of your little one, please contact me! Whether you’re looking for photos for an album, images for an announcement, or artwork for your home, I would love to help you set up the perfect photo session. Can’t wait to hear from you!

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