New Jersey Rainbow Baby Session

morris county rainbow baby photo session baby in a bucket

New Jersey Rainbow Baby Session

In January 2019, I’ve decided to do something special and close to my heart. I’ve decided to start a Rainbow Baby Program and offer complimentary sessions to those moms who struggle with fertility and infant loss. My hope is that,  those moms going through this horrible heartbreak right now, will realize that they are not alone and that there truly is a rainbow after the storm.

My first client was Dana and her rainbow baby Emma Rose. Grab some tissues as her story is just so beautiful, uplifting and full of hope and love <3

Dana’s Rainbow Journey

My name is Dana and I’m 32 years old and live in Flanders, NJ. I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart, Frankie for 6 years this April (we’ve known each other 18yrs now!). We’ve always known we’ve wanted children. Unsuccessful month after month, turning to a year, I spoke up to my gynecologist and started an infertility work up. In the testing, I was diagnosed with a unicornuate uterus (meaning I have two ovaries but only one Fallopian tube and my uterus is half the size). It was a devastating diagnosis and made me feel broken (as a woman you’re supposed to be able to have children, right?).
We met with a reproductive endocrinologist who recommended we do IVF. We then went through their workup and began the long, stressful, expensive (but totally worth it) process of IVF. IVF has been a rollercoaster of its own emotions. We were so excited when they retrieved 23 eggs and 16 of them fertilized. By day 5, they were able to send off 7 for genetic testing. I had high hopes that they would all be normal (given the fact that besides my unicornuate uterus – my husband and I were both healthy). Well, our 7 little embryos, resulted in 2 genetically normal ones. At the same time of being so happy and grateful to have 2, we were also sad knowing we want at least 2 children maybe even 3 & that doesn’t look promising with our numbers. We decided to take the plunge and secretly transfer one of those embryos on June 27 2018. On 4th of July I took a home pregnancy test and for the first time saw 2 lines. I waited to say anything to my husband til I went to the doctor for a blood test 2 days later to confirm the pregnancy. On July 6, I was finally able to tell him that we were pregnant. We also found out the gender of our miracle baby (since we had done the genetic testing) and know that we are having a little girl.
I know many families are not so blessed to have a transfer work the first time around. We count our lucky stars every day that so far the pregnancy has been progressing as it should and we are so happy & excited to welcome our baby girl in just a few short months. She is due March 15, 2019. Since my diagnosis and infertility struggles I have tried to speak up about what I’ve gone through to help other couples who are going through similar situations. I’ve been open about my journey and because of that I have made some good friends who I would have never known have been going through the same thing.  

Awaiting Rainbow Baby

Luckily our pregnancy has been a healthy one, which we feel extremely blessed. Our little girl has been breech throughout the entire pregnancy (something we were expecting to have a high likelihood given my uterus shape). We were monitored because preterm later is not uncommon however our little one lasted right up until her due date of March 15th. We had a scheduled section and I won’t forget the moments leading up to her birth and our doctor kept saying she’s a big healthy baby. At 7:57am she was born and the Rascal Flatts song “My Wish” was playing in the background. Hearing her first cry was the most beautiful sound we have ever heard, especially with these lyrics simultaneously… 

But more than anything, more than anything
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to
Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small
You never need to carry more than you can hold
And while you’re out there getting where you’re getting to
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too

Yeah, this, is my wish.

Welcome Emma Rose

We are happy to introduce our beautiful 8lb 12oz  20.5 inches of perfection, Emma Rose.  Her name could not be more fitting as Emma means “whole”.  She is our “whole” world and has made our family whole.  Sitting in your studio for her session realizing she was a week old and seeing her holding the little unicorn had me super emotional thinking about how far we’ve come and just how lucky we are. 

Going through this journey we know that miracles can take a little time and we know that after every storm comes a rainbow.  We pray our story helps give hope to families struggling with infertility, we want them to know that they are not alone. 

We are so appreciative of you Aneta for giving us this opportunity to capture such special moments for our tiny miracle baby.  Thank you again for all that you do. I look forward to seeing all of your gorgeous work, especially your beautiful rainbow babies.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! 
Dana, Frankie, Guinness & Emma Rose
morris county rainbow baby photo session baby in a bucket morris county rainbow baby photo session baby in a bucket morris county rainbow baby photo session baby in a bucketmorris county rainbow baby photo session baby in a bucket morris county rainbow baby photo session baby in a bucket

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