Behind the Scenes New Jersey Newborn Photography Session

New Jersey newborn photography session

A Peek Into a New Jersey Newborn Photography Session

Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of a New Jersey newborn photography session? Great, let me take you behind the lens and provide a glimpse into the process of capturing those adorable newborn moments.

Preparation Before the Shoot:

  • Setting up the studio: This part takes about an hour and it’s one of my favorite activities. Choosing perfect props, blankets, and accessories as well as creating set ups is a lot of fun. It is a chance for me to get creative and try something new.
  • Adjusting lighting: Ensuring my equipment works correctly, cameras, batteries, chargers etc . Although I always have back up , I don’t want to run out of batteries during any New Jersey newborn photography session.
  • Communicating with clients: Reviewing the session plan, discussing poses and preferences,  going over client’s questionnaire. Making sure everything is exactly what the parents want.

Interactions During the Session:

  • Welcoming the newborn: Greeting the baby and their family and establishing a comfortable atmosphere for their New Jersey newborn photography session. Heads up: I like talking so there will never be a moment of awkward silence during a session. I am pretty sure that we will become friends after the session!
  • Posing and directing: Guiding the newborn into gentle, natural poses and capturing genuine expressions and moments during New Jersey newborn photography session. This is obviously the main part of the session. I always follow my regular workflow but I do adjust it to each and every baby. Although brand new, each baby is different and has different needs and preferences. I never force a baby into a pose or a prop they are not comfortable in.

Challenges and Solutions:

  • Dealing with unpredictability during New Jersey newborn photography session: Adapting to the newborn’s mood, sleep patterns, and feeding schedule to optimize the photo session. Since newborn sessions are usually done in the first 2 week of life, babies have no schedule yet. When they come in into the studio, they might be hungry, gassy, cluster feeding or, hopefully, very sleepy. Based on that I sometimes have to adjust my workflow and change set ups to make baby more comfortable.
  • Comforting fussy babies: Some babies become fussy during the session and I try everything to make them feel comfortable. From warming blanket to white noise, rocking, feeding, binkies etc. It takes some time and  patience to calm and settle the baby for posing but it’s all worth it.

Showcasing the Best Moments:

  • Selecting and editing images: Creating a selection of the best moments captured during the New Jersey newborn photography session is the hardest part of the photography process. Many times I have so many amazing images that it makes it difficult to cull and select the best ones.
  • Enhancing the final images: Applying edits to refine the portraits and highlight the beauty of the newborn and their family. This part takes the longest since I am very particular with edits. I like to make sure all the skin corrections, backdrop extensions, color match etc are exactly what the parents would want.  Many photographers hire editors to do this part for them but I like doing it myself and having control over it.
  • Creating digital images: Selecting digital images to create special composites that my clients love. Many parents know ahead of time which composites they like but I also like surprising them with something special and unexpected.
  • Delivering the final product: Presenting the finished images to the clients in an online gallery.
  • Product ordering and delivery : Sourcing and ordering albums, canvases and other keepsakes for parents to enjoy.

Behind every stunning newborn portrait lies a story of creativity, patience, and dedication. By offering a peek behind New Jersey newborn photography session, I hope to share the joy and magic of newborn photography and the work involved in capturing those precious early moments of life for you and your family.

Newborn Photo Shoot

Yellow Lollipop Photography is a New Jersey newborn photographer specializing in newborns and families.  Serving Somerset, Hunterdon, Morris, Mercer, Essex, Warren and surrounding counties . If you would like to learn more about my baby and family photo sessions  please contact me HERE

Please don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to check my newest sessions and adventures.

New Jersey newborn photography session newborn photos in NJ with new mom and new dad

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