Milford NJ Newborn Photographer

Milford NJ Newborn Photographer

As a Milford NJ Newborn Photographer I offer model calls from time to time. Those sessions are complimentary and parents receive a set number of digital images. Sessions are held on a specific date and time, parents have no input on the styling of the photo shoot and they can not already have a session booked with another photographer. I try to be fair and offer this opportunity to those moms who would not be able to do a newborn session on their own.

Stefanie was so quick with replying to my model call. She was sweet and excited and I knew we will have an amazing experience. I wasn’t mistaken as the little one was literally a perfect model. I was able to use all my new props and accessories and try new poses without as much as a yawn or a blink. Perfect session overall . Made my Milford NJ Newborn Photographer heart very happy.

Infant Photo Shoot

Yellow Lollipop Photography is Milford NJ Newborn Photographer specializing in babies and families. Serving  Branchburg, Readington, Martinsville, Springfield, Clark, Mountainside and surrounding towns. If you would like to learn more about my baby and family photo sessions and book your very own  Newborn Photo Session please contact me HERE

Please don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to check my newest sessions and adventures.


Milford NJ Newborn Photographer

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