No fail tips on how to prepare for a newborn session

how to prepare for a newborn session

How to prepare for a newborn session

One of the most common questions before a baby photo shoot takes place is : How to prepare for a newborn session? Moms always worry about what to wear, how to get the baby ready etc. here are some simple ideas on what to do before your big day .


Please follow them as closely as possible to make a session successful.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to follow these instructions. I’ve been photographing babies for over 12 years now and trust me,  I know exactly who does and who doesn’t follow the prep guide. It truly makes such a difference in the whole session experience now only for me, but for the baby and for parents as well. Please help me make this entire experience as enjoyable and stress free as possible.


Here are few tips and suggestions on how to prepare for a newborn session.

If at all possible, try keeping baby stimulated and awake an hour or more before the session. A bath usually helps in keeping them awake.  It’s very important baby is sleepy so the session goes smoothly and I’m able to capture lots of adorable images.  It’s best to start on a full belly so feeding him or her right before you put them in the car seat to head my way is best.

Please make sure your baby has a good burp before placing them in their car seat so gas doesn’t settle on the drive here.  Please dress baby in a button down outfit , pajamas are preferred. No onesies please,  so I am not having to pull anything over their head while undressing them.

The room will be set between 80-85 degrees for baby so please dress accordingly.  I will play a white noise machine to mimic the sound of the womb.

Sessions take approximately 2 hours  but I do set aside additional hour to allow for feeding and soothing.   I work slowly with your baby to ensure they are always cozy and comfortable.

Gas : If you are breastfeeding and your baby has gas issues, please abstain from eating the following 72 hours before your session : dairy products, caffeine, soy, fish, chocolate, wheat, beef, nuts, eggs, corn, citrus fruits and certain vegetables.

Caffeine : Please DO NOT drink caffeine 48 hours prior to your session if you are breastfeeding.  I have photographed 100’s of newborns and have seen a difference in those that are getting caffeine thru mother’s breast milk.  Babies who are affected by caffeine tend to be very jumpy, tense and alert.

What to bring to a newborn session 

Pacifier : Please bring a pacifier even if the baby doesn’t take one !   I recommend a Soothie pacifier so it does not leave red rings around baby’s mouth.  Even if your baby does not take one from you (specifically if you are nursing, they can smell you and will want to nurse over soothing with a  pacifier), they will usually take one from me.  A baby’s natural born instinct is to pacify and sometimes not having a pacifier to help baby soothe might result in a baby being swaddled for majority of the session. Please let me know ahead of time if you do not want your baby to use a pacifier. 



Bottled Milk  : If you have introduced a bottle to your baby, this is the preferred method of feeding during the session so we are certain how much baby is receiving and it takes quicker allowing for more time taking photos.  If you’re exclusively breastfeeding, that’s perfectly fine. We will take breaks as we need to.

Infant Gas Drops : majority of the time , the reason for the fussiness is GAS so please bring any form of gas relief you use. If your baby is gassy, and I don’t have these drops to make him/ her comfortable, your baby will be swaddled for majority of the photo shoot.  Drops create temporary relief , hopefully enough for us to get calm photos of your little one. I can not supply any medications for your child so you need to get these yourself.

Please do not bring any additional family members to the session except those being photographed. Newborn sessions are unique and require a calm environment. My studio does not have a waiting room so I will not be able to accommodate a large group.

Photo session with parents and siblings

Another important details of how to prepare for a newborn session are outfits. If parents/ siblings are included in the photo session, please dress in simple, neutral color clothing. You can wear cream, black, navy, grey or white as well, small pattern is ok . A nice casual shirt / dress for mom, tshirt or polo for dad , jeans for big brother and simple dress for big sister. Combining different, complimentary textures creates wonderful result. Avoid business wear (suits /ties ), big prints, patterns,  logos, bright colors etc.  Most family photos are taken waist up so don’t worry to much about what pants/ skirts to wear. The key is to keep it simple and timeless and keep the focus on the baby.

If you’re bringing a sibling , I will photograph both children at the beginning of the session. Kids , especially toddlers, get tired and restless quickly so please arrange for dad or another family member to take him or her back home or a nearby park, restaurant after their part is done, so we can concentrate on the baby. If such arrangement is not possible please bring something to entertain him/her with (game, ipad, book) and snacks, drinks etc.

Cameras are not permitted in the studio

Session balance is due the date of the photo shoot. I accept checks, cash, Zelle or Venmo.  If you are interested in any type of products such as canvases, prints or albums, please ask before the session is over.

Digital files will be delivered within 2 weeks.

If you still have questions on how to prepare for a newborn session and need to contact me you can send me an email HERE or call me at 908-566-5069

how to prepare for a newborn session how to prepare for a newborn session how to prepare for a newborn session how to prepare for a newborn session how to prepare for a newborn session

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