Morris County Newborn Photo Session

Morris County Newborn Photo Session

Mom and Dad drove the 40 minutes for their Morris County Newborn Photo Session.  They brought Anthony to see me when he was two weeks old. What a cutie!

Personalizing Your Newborn Photo Session NJ

For this Morris County Newborn Photo Session, we wanted these photos to match the nursery. It was decorated in neutrals–a mix of gray and cream. So we decided to do the same thing during this newborn photo session. Neutral colors are great because they can stand on their own or provide a base to add your own personal touches.

In this case, one of those personal touches we wanted to add had to do with baseball. Anthony’s dad has a background in baseball, so he brought in some of his gear. I used his collection of baseballs to create a kind of sports wreath around Anthony. I have a feeling he and his dad are going to have a great time pitching and hitting as this little guy grows up!

Newborn Photography Morris County NJ

Mom also really liked the bucket pictures. (They’re some of my favorites too!) Since my photography style is somewhat whimsical, buckets are an easy way to add that fun flair to your newborn photo session. I always fill the bucket with lots of soft cushiness so baby is comfortable the whole time.

Photographer near Morris County NJ

Looking to book a Morris County Newborn Photo Session? I would love it if you’d contact me! Newborn and baby photography is my specialty. I have extensive training in newborn posing and safety, and am always working to improve my skills. It’s one of the reasons I was named Best Hunterdon Children’s Photographer last year by Hunterdon Happening Magazine 3rd year in a row. I’m a perfectionist, I love what I do, and I can guarantee you’ll love the results!

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